
I have travelled the world talking about technical and business topics. From Japan and India to most countries in Europe, to the US and Canada. In front of small audiences at local user-groups to thousands of people at large international events.


EcomExpo Vilnius, Lithuania, 19th September

Gave a talk on "Made, Sold, and Promoted by China"


EcomTLV Tel Aviv, Israel, 19th June

Gave a talk on "Future of E-commerce"

TheNTWKSummit Barcelona, Spain, 18-19th May

Gave a talk on "Marketplace Trends, panel"


Seller Fest Lietuva Vilnius, Lithuania, 28th December

Gave a talk on "Amazon M&A Market"

GO Ecommerce Tel Aviv, Israel, 31st May

Gave a talk on "Resetting e-commerce expectations"


Deliverr Conference by Deliverr Remote, 4th October

Gave a talk on "Latest eCommerce marketplace trends"


Amazon Experts Webinar by BuyBoxer Remote, 22nd April

Gave a talk on "Coronavirus trends and how to read them"

Amazon Sellers Event/Meetup ASGTG Brooklyn, NY, USA, 15th January

Gave a talk on "Marketplaces Year in Review 2019"


Retail Ascendant Gathering Palo Alto, CA, USA, 15th October

Gave a talk on "Accelerating Brand Success Through Global Marketplaces"

Connect hosted by ChannelAdvisor Austin, TX, USA, 8-9th April

Gave a talk on "Amazon in the Year 2020"

Prosper Show Las Vegas, NV, USA, 17-19th March

Gave a talk on "Amazon Private Label Brands"


Retail Global Las Vegas Las Vegas, NV, USA, 9-11th October

Gave a talk on "Global strategies for American retailers"

Catalyst hosted by ChannelAdvisor San Diego, CA, USA, 17-19th April

Gave a talk on "The New Face of Brands in the Age of Amazon"

eCommerce Innovation Summit San Francisco, CA, USA, 20-21th March

Gave a talk on "What is a Brand in the Age of Amazon"


Retail Global Las Vegas Las Vegas, NV, USA, 12-14th September

Gave a talk on "The Future of Marketplaces", slides


PyCon JP conference Tokyo, Japan, 21-22nd September

Gave a talk on "Building an interpreter in RPython", slides

PyCon conference Portland, OR, USA, 28th May - 5th June

Gave a talk on "Building an interpreter in RPython", slides

PHP UK conference London, UK, 18-19th February

Gave a talk on "From PHP to Machine Code", slides


PHP Barcelona conference Barcelona, Spain, 30-31st October

Gave a talk on "From PHP to Machine Code", slides

PHP Japan conference Tokyo, Japan, 3rd October

Gave a talk on "From PHP to Machine Code", slides

NYPHP user group New York, NY, USA, 25th September

Gave a talk on "From PHP to Machine Code", slides

Future Insights Live conference Las Vegas, NV, USA, 2-4th June

Gave a talk on "How To Keep Calm And Ship It", slides

Kaunas PHP user group Kaunas, Lithuania, 13th May

Gave a talk on "From PHP to Machine Code", slides

Vilnius PHP user group Vilnius, Lithuania, 7th May

Gave a talk on "From PHP to Machine Code", slides


Build Stuff conference Vilnius, Lithuania, 19-23th November

Gave a talk on "Making decisions with data", slides

True North PHP conference Toronto, Canada, 6-8th November

Gave a talk on "Building software fast"
Gave a talk on "Beyond the PHP mountain"

PHPCon PL conference Szczyrk, Poland, 26-28th Septemeber

Gave a talk on "Beyond the PHP mountain"

PHP UK conference London, UK, 21-22th February

Gave a talk on "What Makes Technology Work", slides
Delivered the Opening Keynote to over 700 people


Lone Start PHP conference Dallas, TX, USA, 28-29th June

Gave a talk on "Virtualized Development", slides
Gave a talk on "You Can't Optimize What You Can't Measure", slides

Web-5 conference Béziers, France, 14-15th June

Gave a talk on "Process any amount of data. Any time", slides

Dutch PHP conference Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 6-8th June

Gave a talk on "Growing spiders to crawl the web", slides

Symfony Live Portland conference Portland, OR, USA, 20-24th May

Gave a talk on "Process any amount of data. Any time", slides

phpDay conference Verona, Italy, 17-18th May

Gave a talk on "Building distributed systems", slides

Future Insights Live Las Vegas, NV, USA, 29th April - 2nd May

Gave a talk on "Throw some data science at it", slides

Web conference, part of InfoShow Kaunas, Lithuania, 20th April

Gave a talk on "How not to get fired"

Whisky Web II conference Edinburgh, UK, 12-13th April

Organised my second conference and delivered the opening keynote

Melbourne PHP user group Melbourne, Australia, 19th March

Gave a talk on "You Can't Optimize What You Can't Measure", slides

Sydney PHP user group Sydney, Australia, 28th February

Gave a talk on "REST. Let's get the facts straight", slides

PHP UK conference London, UK, 22-23th February

Gave a talk on "You Can't Optimize What You Can't Measure", slides

SunshinePHP conference Miami, FL, USA, 8-9th February

Gave a talk on "Virtualized Development", slides

PHPBenelux conference Antwerp, Belgium, 25-26th January

Gave a talk on "Process any amounts of data. Any time", slides


Future of Web Apps Prague, Czech Republic, 27-29th November

Gave a talk on "The only PHP framework you'll need: Symfony2", slides

Future of Web Apps London, UK, 15-17th October

Gave a talk on "REST. Let's get the facts straight", slides

New York City PHP user group New York, NY, USA, 1st October

Gave a talk on "Introduction to Symfony2", slides

REST Fest Greenville, SC, USA, 13-15th September

Gave a talk on "RESTful Open Data", slides

Funconf Dublin, Ireland, 31st August - 2st September

Just attended

Sheffield PHP User Group Sheffield, UK, 13th June

Gave a talk on "REST: The bar fight"

Login conference Vilnius, Lithuania, 31st May - 1st June

Gave a talk on "Open Data", slides

DrupalCamp Scotland Edinburgh, UK, 25-26th May

Gave a talk on "Symfony: An Introduction"

phpDay conference Verona, Italy, 18-19th May

Gave a talk on "Lazy Evaluation: stop wasting memory and time", slides

4Developers conference Poznań, Poland, 17-18th April

Gave a talk on "Choosing The Right NoSQL Database", slides

RESTful Design workshop, part of World Wide Web conference Lyon, France, 17th April

Just attended

Whisky Web conference Edinburgh, UK, 13-14th April

Organised my first conference and delivered the opening keynote

ConFoo conference Montreal, Canada, 29th February - 2nd March

Gave a talk on "Doctrine 2", slides
Gave a talk on "RESTful Web Services with Python", slides

PHP UK conference London, UK, 24-25th February

Just attended

PHPBenelux conference Antwerp, Belgium, 27-28th January

Gave a talk on "Doctrine 2: An Introduction", slides


PHPDays, part of OSIDays conference Bangalore, India, 20-21th Nov

Teached a workshop on "Doctrine 2"
Gave a talk on "The new era of PHP frameworks"

PHP Barcelona conference Barcelona, Spain, 28-29th October

Gave a talk on "PHP in the Cloud", slides
Gave a talk on "Doctrine 2", slides

ZendCon conference Santa Clara, CA, USA, 17-20th October

Teached a workshop on "Doctrine 2"

PHPNW conference Manchester, United Kingdom, 8-9th October

Gave a talk on "Doctrine 2", slides

Azure All Access conference Dublin, Ireland, 6-7th October

Attended to showcase and discuss Azure and PHP integration and developments,

Edinburgh PHP user group Edinburgh, UK, 28th September

Gave a talk on "Doctrine 2", slides

PFCongress conference Utrecht, The Netherlands, 17th September

Gave a talk on "The new era of PHP frameworks", slides

Dynamic Languages conference Edinburgh, UK, 29th August

Gave a talk on "‎RESTful Web Services with Python", slides

PHP North East user group Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 19th July

Gave a talk on "What is Doctrine ORM and should I use it?", slides

JumpInCamp! Seattle, WA, USA, 19-24th June

Invited by Microsoft to help various PHP projects improve support for Windows, SQL Server and Azure

Dutch PHP conference Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 19-21th May

Teached a workshop on "Doctrine 2"
Gave a talk on "The new era of PHP frameworks", slides

phpDay conference Verona, Italy, 12-14th May

Gave a talk on "Doctrine 2", slides
Gave a talk on "Optimizing Zend Framework", slides

Web conference, part of InfoShow Kaunas, Lithuania, 9th April

Gave a talk on "Plaktuko problema", slides

4Developers conference Warsaw, Poland, 4th April

Gave a talk on "Zend Framework 2.0: Let’s Rock!", slides

DrupalCamp Lisboa Lisbon, Portugal, 26th March

Gave a talk on "Drupal and Windows?! Yes", slides

PHP UK conference London, UK, 25th February

Just attended


JumpInCamp! Seattle, WA, USA, 16-19th November

Invited by Microsoft to work on Doctrine 2 SQL Server support

Forum PHP Paris, France, 9-10th November

Gave a talk on "Doctrine 2", slides

Microsoft /web day Vilnius, Lithuania, 5th November

Gave a talk on "PHP on Windows", slides

PHP Barcelona conference Barcelona, Spain, 29-30th October

Gave a talk on "Doctrine 2", slides

PHPNW conference Manchester, UK, 9-10th October

Gave a talk on "Optimizing Zend Framework", slides

Dutch PHP conference Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 10-12th June

Gave a talk on "Doctrine 2", slides

PHP North West user group Manchester, UK, 1st June

Gave a talk on "Practical ORMs", slides

phpDay conference Corropoli, Italy, 12-14th May

Teached a workshop on "Practical ORMs"

Lithuanian PHP conference Kaunas, Lithuania, 24th April

Gave a talk on "Būk žingsniu priekyje!", slides
First talk in a PHP conference

JumpInCamp! Zurich, Switzerland, 6-10th April

Just attended

Microsoft MIX10 Las Vegas, NV, USA, 15-17th March

Just attended

PHP UK conference London, UK, 26th February

Just attended


PHPNW conference Manchester, UK, 10-11th October

Attended first ever PHP conference


Some quotes from people who have recently attended my talks
This was the talk that I learned the most from, I find it fascinating that he can debug just by correlating data points across many systems. I plan to start using the techniques ASAP. - about "You Can't Optimize What You Can't Measure" at Lone Star PHP conference
I really like the way Joe presents his message. His slides are laid out well and he does a great job speaking to the crowd interactively without just reading off slides the entire time. With the real-world examples he shares, it was very helpful. - about "You Can't Optimize What You Can't Measure" at Lone Star PHP conference
Presentation and content were wonderful. Thank you - about "Virtualized Development" at Lone Star PHP conference
One of the better talks of DPC13. Very fun, entertaining and interesting. Used good examples from his own experience, and showed some good code examples. And a lot of tips what to do, and not to do. - about "Growing spiders to crawl the web" at Dutch PHP conference
Great speaker presenting great content backed up with some real life experience. Everything a talk needs!
Really enjoyed the talk and the humorous approach. Will most certainly be implementing statsd sometime in the near future. Liked the way stats were correlated to deployments that would be a big win for me.
Really good talk. Liked the examples on how to make a spider act more like a human being. Presentation was good, lots of good examples, mixed with a good dose of humor.
Interesting and insightful. The talk was delivered very professionally.